The chemicals in deodorants which prevent bacteria from growing have been linked to health problems ranging from skin irritation and contact dermatitis. Many familiar brands of deodorants contain alcohol and triclosan, and excessive use of spray deodorants have also been linked with more serious problems such as allergic reactions, asthma and breathing difficulties. The Major Disadvantages of Using a Deodorant Based on Man-Made Chemicals Sweat trying to escape from plugged up pores can cause irritation and discomfort Inflammation can spread beyond where the antiperspirant was applied The body is unable to eliminate toxins through perspiration The ability to regulate body temperature is reduced Why to Choose Organic Vegan Deodorant over Man-Made Chemicals Infused Deodorants? The organic vegan deodorants are ultra gentle and don’t contain pore-clogging aluminum. Instead, they are made with natural actives that really ...